less than 1 minute read


  • 12.Apr.2023: GitHub blog started
  • 12.Apr.2023: Jekyll’s Minimal Mistakes theme installed

Update Details



  • 19.Apr.2023: the repository of this blog is cloned to a standalone repository for the profile contribution boxes
  • 18.Apr.2023: counts feature for Categories and Tags added
    • /_data/navigation.yml updated
    • /_includes/nav_list updated
    • /_config.yml updated
  • 18.Apr.2023: Yearh Archive feature added
    • /_pages/year-archive.md newly added
    • /_data/navigation.yml updated
  • 18.Apr.2023: Custom css style applied to the markdown editor
    • /_saas/minimal-mistakes/_utilities.scss updated
  • 17.Apr.2023: redirect_from plug in installed
    • config.yml , minimal-mistakes-jekyll.gemspec files updated
  • 16.Apr.2023: Google and Naver search engine linked
  • 16.Apr.2023: Search function added
    • /_pages/search.md added
  • 16.Apr.2023: config.yml updated
    • toc settings, sidebar, search features added
    • Google font Cairo applied
  • 15.Apr.2023: Google analytics linked
  • 15.Apr.2023: Categories, Tags added
    • /_pages/category-archive.md, /_pages/tag-archive.md added
  • 15.Apr.2023: Image path issues solved
  • 15.Apr.2023: Table of Contents added
  • 15.Apr.2023: A looking good 404 Error Page added
    • /_pages/404.md added
  • 14.Apr.2023: tzinfo error fixed
  • 13.Apr.2023: config.yml updated
    • default settings updated: Site title, Logo, Profile Picture, Posting date
  • 12.Apr.2023: Ruby installed for a local server